My mother has become, over the past three years or so, the #1 Red Sox fan in all of New England. I don't even bother keeping up with the team on the internet or ESPN anymore, because I know I can just ask my mother anything and she'll tell me. Who's pitching tomorrow? How many homers does Papi have now (not enough)? Who's in a slump?
We had great seats between the on-deck circle and the Sox dugout. It turned out to be a perfect first game for her to see. She got to see all of her favorites hitting and fielding up close and personal: Big Papi, Manny, Varitek, Youkilis, Lugo, Lowell, super-solid new guy Pedroia, and Coco. And due to our come-from-behind victory, we got to see Papelbon sizzle the last three outs.
New Celtic Kevin Garnett threw out an opening pitch to Big Papi:
Here we are:
Here's Grotto friend Amo moonlighting to earn some extra cash:
Papi and Manny: