I have to apologize to my vast worldwide reader base for being out of touch for the past twelve days. I have been traveling for business and pleasure in California and will be away until November 20th. Upon my return I should have all sorts of juicy posts about weddings and poker tournaments, etc.! In the meantime, I've put together a little teaser: a pictorial journey through a selection of one of Beverly Hills' great contributions to society, the Persian Palace!
A couple of years ago the L.A. Times did an article about the Persian Palace, drawing attention to a curious creation of Beverly Hills' least fortunate school of architecture. The P.P. tends to be a glitzy-looking cube of building material, fronted by Doric, Corinthian, or Ionic columns, distinguished usually by the fact that the house itself takes up 90% of an 1/8-acre lot in Beverly Hills. Here are a few representative examples that will give you the idea: Here's a fabulous one under construction: